Frontier Missions School
Establishing an Antioch in Alaska
We are a Missional Family that Exists to Pray, Preach, Sing and Send
Until Every Village in Alaska Hears, Sees, and Sings of the worth of Jesus
The Vision
In 2018 the Lord made it clear to us that He was calling us to raise up an Antioch (Acts 11-17) in Wasilla, Alaska; a base camp that would be for praying, training, and sending missionaries all over the state of Alaska, to pray, preach, and sing of the worth of Jesus. A place consecrated for ministry unto the Lord (Acts 13:1-2; Rom. 12:1-2). A place for missionaries to get healthy, be encouraged and strengthened, and sent out on to the mission field with an overflowing passion to spread the fame of Jesus in the most remote and unreached villages in our state.
The Frontier Missions School is designed to train pioneering leaders in prayer, worship, and frontier missions. Our training will include one semester (3 months) of character formation and theological training and one semester (3 months) of on the ground training.
Laborers ultimately reflect the culture they train in and are sent from. One of the most valuable aspects of our school is the greenhouse of a healthy community that each student will be surrounded by. Those who train with us will not only be joining a school, but a spiritual family. We believe that the most effective means of disciple making is through the nucleus of family. Hence, the reason the word “disciple” doesn’t appear a single time after Acts 21. The New Testament language of discipleship in the Apostolic Epistles, shifts from teacher/student relationships to mothers and father, and brothers and sisters (1 Cor. 4:15). This is what we want to cultivate with every student that partners with the Frontier Missions School: FAMily.

During our phase of Theological Training, we will spend focused time on character formation, personal healing, healthy rhythms, and biblical training. It is important to us that our missionaries are healthy individuals who have experienced healing and restoration in their personal lives so that they can release healing and restoration in the villages. Alongside this focus on personal healing, the students will go through intensive classes coupled with hands-on leadership training and development. In addition to the classroom work, each student will be required to spend 2 hours each day (Mon-Fri), in the Prayer Room (exceptions apply to those who are working). Our 7-module Foundations curriculum is a specialized training in Christology, Personal Healing, Theology of Day and Night Prayer, Supernatural Ministry, New Testament Survey, Eschatology, and Biblical and Historical Missions. The Prayer Room and Classroom are accompanied by a spiritual family walking alongside them as they contend for breakthrough in a culture of prayer and revival.
On the Field Training
During the phase of "On the Field Training," the students will engage in training for cross cultural and frontier missions. They will be placed on teams that will be sent together into villages throughout Alaska. Each team will raise funds, cast vision, and be sent together on their assignment.
This phase is designed to give our students the valuable experience of team leadership on the mission field that will expand their love for Jesus and their love for the people they will be ministering to. Our greatest hope is that each student comes out of the Frontier Mission School with hearts on fire for Jesus, minds ready to engage in warfare over our generation, and eyes set on the completion of the Great Commission.
During this phase students will spend time in the prayer room ministering to the Lord, praying for villages, and going when Jesus says, “Go!” It will be the responsibility of each individual student to raise their own support for their mission trips during this phase. Our hope is that through this process we will be able to train each student in the never easy, but valuable lessons, of support raising, so that, when they are ready to launch into fulltime missionary work, they are prepared for the realities of the missionary calling. We want to provide each student with the most wholistic missions experience so that:
1) They leave better than they came.
2) They are fully equipped and ready to launch into full time missions.